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Sports Massage Therapy Nottingham



Looking to treat an existing injury? Keen to prevent emerging soft tissue issues, or simply want to perform at your physical peak? Whatever your needs and situation, we are confident that you can benefit from high-quality sports massage therapy in Nottingham with Becky Tyler Sports Therapy.


We help patients of all ages, physical abilities and backgrounds to work towards better physical wellness through targeted sports massage therapies and complementary interventions. Some of our patients have injuries sustained through physical trauma or accidents. Others have sports injuries through intensive and repetitive physical activities and many have problems from years of working in sedentary desk jobs. Whatever the background, our team of highly-qualified and experienced professionals delivers sports massage therapy Nottingham wide, helping patients to overcome issues and see noticeable benefits from the therapies that we provide.

Sports massage therapy Nottingham

How does sports massage therapy work?

The core element of sports massage therapy is the expert massage treatment itself which is tailored to the individual's needs and the type of soft tissue in focus. Sports massage therapy focuses on all soft tissues that are used in physical activity, including muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and even skin. The massage corrects any imbalances or issues that have occurred through strenuous and repetitive activity, injury or even sustained periods of inactivity.

Sports massage is recognised as being one of the first methods of physical therapy and its use dates back more than 3,000 years with records showing its application in Greece, India and China. Modern sports massage therapy in the UK is a growing field, but it has been widely accepted and valued in the USA, Canada and Australia for some years and used heavily by professional athletes to aid recovery, improve performance and prevent injury.


Our practitioners are trained and accredited and deliver a holistic programme of integrated physical services which are designed to meet each patient's needs. These will typically include soft tissue massage and therapy, as well as any rehabilitation work for existing injuries or emergency treatment for certain severe or immediate conditions.


sports massage therapy

Alongside the core sports massage therapy, the approaches that we can offer as part of a broader physical treatment programme include biomechanics, advanced manual therapies, taping for injury prevention and other specialist techniques such as acupuncture, cupping therapy and spinal manipulation.

We will carry out a private and individual consultation to assess your particular needs. Your Nottingham  sports massage therapist will use a range of injury assessment and diagnostic techniques to identify issues. These could include movements to assess biomechanics or gait analysis



The team at Becky Tyler Sports Therapy Nottingham are highly skilled, experienced, qualified and continually investing in their ongoing professional development. What's more, the practitioners are all active in the field of sports and fitness and understand first-hand the challenges that can occur in the pursuit of peak physical wellness and sporting success.

sports masage therapy Nottingham

Working with individual athletes

We provide targeted sports massage therapy services in Nottingham to athletes of all ages, from juniors through to masters. We have patients who perform regularly in sports and fitness endeavours as diverse as bodybuilding, CrossFit and martial arts through to distance running, cycling, gymnastics, athletics and boxing. Whatever your sport, discipline or objective, our team can help you to remain physically well, to perform at your best and to prepare your body to achieve new goals.


Nottingham sports massage therapy
sports massage therapy for teams

Working with teams

Our Nottingham sports massage therapy team can also work with sports teams across the county from junior to a professional level. Treatment for those involved in rugby, football, netball, swimming, athletic and other team sports can help athletes to reach their full potential. We will work individually with athletes to treat specific issues or injuries or provide group training and workshops in areas such as injury prevention, muscle taping, muscular strength optimisation, anatomy or any other areas that teams require to perform at their best.


Working with children

We also offer specialist sports massage therapies to children and teenagers who are experiencing physical complaints that are typically related to gait abnormalities. Our sports massage therapy Nottingham wide can help to complement medical practices that are designed to counteract these issues, supporting and strengthening soft tissues as they develop and strengthen with targeted exercises. We are adept at helping younger patients to feel confident, relaxed and positive about their treatment and have plenty of experience in putting children (and their parents!) at ease in our comfortable, welcoming clinic.


Working with injured patients or those experiencing pain

Many of our patients come to us because they are experiencing pain from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and even migraines for which they haven't yet found a solution. Some are experiencing back pain from sedentary lifestyles and desk jobs. Others have sustained physical trauma through accidents and are either dealing with the recent effects of injury or ongoing problems that can be related back to historic physical trauma. As well as providing physical sports massage and supporting physical therapies, we are experienced in understanding the psychological barriers that can impede physical recovery, working with each client to identify the source of their issues and the best possible treatment programme.

When to visit us

The best outcomes tend to be achieved in the shortest amount of time when patients come to see us quickly. If you are experiencing soft tissue pain or conditions such as arthritis, Fibromyalgia or migraines, have experienced an injury or simply suspect that something just 'isn't quite right', simply get in touch to book an appointment.


For a chat with one of our team, or to book an appointment, please get in touch with us. You can book a slot directly online at your convenience

or call us on 07814 579220

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