Food Intolerance Testing
Would you like to find out what foods might be contributing to your symptoms?
Lorisian Food Intolerance Tests analyse your blood sample for food specific IgG antibody reactions. You will discover the foods you are reacting to which should then be eliminated from your diet.
Controlling food intake is one of the easiest ways to ensure good health and can help with depression, anxiety, IBS, migraine, fibromyalgia and many other symptoms.
The York Test (Lorisian) is now available at BTST, through a simple finger prick blood test, we send the sample to a reputable laboratory where Lorisian (otherwise known as The York Test) can measure food specific IgG antibody reactions – identifying which ones may need to be eliminated from your diet. Interestingly, the foods can eventually be reintroduced after 3 months, unlike an allergic reaction, which tends to be lifelong.
Time taken to feel the benefit of this test is measured in days and 3 out of 4 people report significant benefit within 3 weeks. To book an appointment, click on the link above.
Although reactions to foods may not be life threatening, they can make the sufferer feel extremely unwell and may have an impact on your work and social life. Intolerance to a particular food will not always cause symtoms immediately, often taking from a few hours to a few days to show up.
Abdominal Pain
Aches and Pains
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Fluid Retention
Stomach Cramps
Weight loss/Weight Gain
Tests Available
Lorisian 100 - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to 100 common food ingredients - £199
Lorisian 150plus - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over 150 common food ingredients - £299
Lorisian 150plus with IBS Support - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over 150 common food ingredients and provides a personalised list of low FODMAP foods. - £335
Lorisian 150plus with Ideal Weight - Analyses your IgG antibody reaction to over 150 common food ingredients and provides a low GI plan. - £335
Case Studies
Katies IBS Case study
Before deciding to take a deeper look into her diet with a Lorisian Food Intolerance test, Katie (26) had been suffering with severe digestive discomfort, the symptoms of which had been effecting her since her late teens.
Click on the pictures below to read Katies Full experience
Terry's Case Study
After removing his trigger foods and making changes to his diet, Terry began to notice improvements in his bloating, pain and anxiety, with the added bonus of weight loss.
Click on the pictures below to read Terry's Full experience